Thursday, July 8, 2010

New sewing project, trying something different.

This is my new sewing project, I am making C but with A arms. Due to the fact I am not blessed with toned tanned arms (doesn't help it is winter here).
I am using a Silk Jersey Knit in a stunning deep purple. Which should make me look thinner but bring a little colour to my wardrobe.
I pre washed my uncut material in cold water on the delicate cycle (delicate cycle does not get used a lot in my house) and chucked it in the dryer on low heat setting. After reading that some knits will shrink after the garments first wash.

* TIP ALWAYS START WITH A FRESH, NEW NEEDLE FOR EVERY NEW PROJECT. (Confession that i do not always do this.)

Need to run out and buy a size 75/11 (European and American sizes which is funny cause i live in Australia) stretch needle. Best used for bed linen jersey, knit cotton, fleece, jersey with elastic, Lycra, silk jersey, velour jersey, velvet, lingerie. A stretch needle has a deep scarf to prevent skipped stitches. And if i can't find a stretch needle i will have settle for a ball point needle.
  1. Cut a piece of thread that you are using for your project about 12 inches long and thread it through the needle.
  2. Hold the thread vertical and fairly taut.
  3. Then from the top spin the needle. It should slip down the thread. If it doesn't, you need a larger needle.

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